Sunday, August 24, 2014

arts and crafts movement

The arts and crafts movement was the return/ revival of the traditional artistic craftmanship. Started in England and moved its way to the U.S.  This time period put emphasis on bringing back the man into man-made instead of mass production.  The designs of furniture from this time period were simple, honest, and brings harmony together with nature.  William Morris was known as the English arts and crafts movement, had great skill in craftsmanship. Instead of using a production/assembly line one person would create a piece and mass produce that piece themselves.  He believed that architecture and interiors should be simple, functional, and materials should be local. His designs usually involved using oak and while the pieces had simple lines and elegance, they also carried some dramatic features such as tall backs.

Some examples of furniture from this time period include:

Argyle chair
Reclining chair
examples of furniture from this time period in present day:  


Arts and Crafts Movement:

Arts and Crafts: Design in a Nutshell (2/6):

I reviewed Emily N's and Rose's blogs.  Emilys blog had a great overall description the time period and gave great examples of furniture. I also liked how she brought up the specific patterns from the time period. 
Roses blog is also a great example of the designs from this time period. I love how she emphasized the linearness in the designs but they also contain a dramatic feature.

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