Sunday, October 5, 2014

Art Deco

After WW1 people werre sad and needed a good change to brighten everything up.  Starting off in France, the use of aluminum, black lacqurr, and glass became really popular. Art Deco style didn't move to the rest of Europe and U.S. until WW11 when arts and literature began to be banned.  Unlike past time periods, artists were not concerned with functionalism, but adhered to the fashion aspect.  This style was highly influenced by the Art Nouveau time period. Some of the major artists from this time period include Michel Roux-Spitz, Jean Dunerd, and Jean Michel Frank. Other artists including Picasso began experimenting with cubism where the geometry, space, and angle were compared.  Examples of Art Deco:

Examples of modern say Art Deco:

Some examples of furniture from this time period include:


I reviewed Megan S. blog and I really  liked the way she described Jean Dunands design and Eilieens designs.  She gave good descriptions of how art deco eas influenced in their design.
I also read Megan Y's blog and I loved how she gave every single characteristic about the Art Deco design period  and how it was applied to interiors in the U.S. and in Europe.

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