Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Rise of the Interior Decorator

After the L'Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs et Industriels Modernes, the world's fair in Paris, people began to fall into two categories: Functionalists or Decorators.  The profession of Decorator began right after during the Art Deco period.  In French, there are the common words "decorateur" or "ensemblier" describing our profession.  Ensemblier means one who creates an ensemble, chooses objects, combines objects, and in doing so makes aesthetic choices. Functionalists were grounded in this particular theory.  Wealthy class had a huge impact on the business of interior professionals.  They make up most of the residential projects because they are actually able to afford professional advice.

Elsie de Wolfe blossomed during this time period.  She was an actress who pursued interior design and began by restoring Victorian interiors into light and bright spaces with French furniture.

Dorothy Draper was also an inspiring professional from this time period.  She relied on tons of social connections, which we can all relate to today.  Having social connections advances your knowledge and prospects in interior design.  Her style was was fun and appealing and she took traditional furniture and used in non-traditional ways.  This style could be compared to a modern baroque, with use of black and white on walls, flooring, and upholstery.


Last, but not least Billy Baldwin emerged.  Rather than relying on the wealthy to provide work for himself, he was a design professional for the middle class as well as many famous clients.  Rather than a fun and appealing approach, his style was more clean-cut and sharp.
A famous quote that I really enjoyed was, "color is like icing on the cake, I never begin with a color scheme, I end with it."

Past applications:

Current applications:


I reviewed Paige S's blog, in which she gave a great background history of the Interior Decorator and how it became about.  She had great emphasis on Dorothy Draper, a very well known designer from this period.  She showed great pictures of furniture from this time period.  I reviewed Natalie's blog and she had great descriptions of Elsie de Wolfe and Dorothy Draper and how they were major influences from this time period. She also showed great applications.

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